From the first days of the war, we began to actively support our military on the front lines. We received dozens of requests every day, which our team promptly processed. What we were not looking for: quadcopters, sights, collimators, generators, uniforms, shoes, knee pads, sleeping bags…
During this time, we realized that there are no more important questions in these questions, because what seems to us to be a simple thing, like a sleeping bag or a comfortable uniform, can become a decisive factor for a soldier not on the front lines.
So our team, from the first days of the war, went to all the stores in search of sleeping bags and cots, loaded vans of protein shakes, tested uniforms and shoes, and also managed to organize 30 generators that went to the front line and military hospitals, and more than 1,500 tourniquets that save the lives of our heroes.
Thank you to the team of more than 80 volunteers, our partners who constantly support us, and everyone who contributes to our fund and thereby brings us closer to victory.
Every thank you we receive is a thank you to YOU!